It’s been great to have a partner with which we can discuss needs, look at options, and then act accordingly
The biggest benefit for us has been in having a solid Mac-based foundation of IT support to keep us in line. It’s been great to have a partner with which we can discuss needs, look at options, and act accordingly. It’s been a nicely low-maintenance high-trust relationship.
Aside from understanding the Mac environment (rather than just paying it lip service), the solutions we’ve gotten from SMB are consistently sound and reliable. We’ve had other IT firms suggest and install systems that were wholly wrong, cumbersome, and technically deficient. We’ve gotten very stable, fast IT support from SMB for years.
In talking to somebody on the fence about IT firms, I’d say to make sure you talk about flexibility in approach, and also if the firm really understands not just the environment, you’re working in but also the technical needs of your IT. As a creative agency working primarily in Adobe Creative Cloud on Macs, SMB was the right fit for us.
Brave New Day