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IT Services For Nonprofits You Deserve

SMB Technologies can handle all of your hardware, software, cloud computing, networking, and cybersecurity needs.

If you are running an association with a growing membership base, it may make a lot of sense to outsource your IT department to experienced IT professionals.

As an IT outsourcing provider, SMB Technologies offers numerous benefits that cater to the specific IT needs and technology goals of associations. SMB Technologies has been a Verified Member of the NAO (Non-Profit Association of Oregon) for many years and have several members that are loyal customers.

Here are some potential advantages of outsourcing IT for your association:

  1. Cost Savings:Outsourcing IT can be cost-effective, as it allows your association to avoid the expenses associated with maintaining an in-house IT team. This includes salaries, benefits, training, and infrastructure costs.
  2. Access to Expertise:IT outsourcing providers typically have a team of skilled professionals with specialized expertise in various IT domains. This gives your association access to a broader range of skills and knowledge than might be feasible with an in-house team.
  3. Scalability:Associations often experience fluctuations in IT demands based on events, membership growth, and projects. Outsourcing enables you to scale your IT resources up or down as needed, providing flexibility to match changing requirements.
  4. Focus on Core Activities:By outsourcing IT, your association’s internal staff can concentrate on core activities such as event planning, membership engagement, advocacy, and other strategic initiatives, rather than dedicating time to IT management.
  5. 24/7 Support:IT outsourcing offers round-the-clock support, ensuring that any technical issues are promptly addressed. This can be particularly valuable if your association serves a diverse audience across different time zones.
  6. Strategic Planning:IT service providers can assist associations in creating IT strategies aligned with their objectives. This helps associations leverage technology to enhance member services, engagement, and overall operations.
  7. Access to Latest Technology:SMB Technologies stays up to date with the latest technology trends. This can provide your association with access to cutting-edge tools and solutions without the need for continuous research and costly investments.Outsourcing your IT allows you to leverage technology to run to your association more efficiently. SMB Technologies can manage your IT while you focus on serving the needs of your association members.
  8. Risk Management:Reputable IT outsourcing providers like SMB Technologieshave strong security measures in place, which can help mitigate cybersecurity risks and ensure data protection—a critical consideration for associations handling sensitive member information.
  9. Reduced Recruitment Challenges:Hiring and retaining skilled IT professionals for your association can be challenging. Outsourcing IT alleviates the need to find, hire, and retain specialized talent in a competitive job market.
  10. Efficient Project Execution:IT outsourcing provides the experience of implementing various IT projects, from software upgrades to infrastructure migrations. This expertise can lead to more efficient project execution for your association and reduced downtime.
  11. Integration and Interoperability:Associations often use multiple software systems and platforms. IT outsourcing can help ensure seamless integration and interoperability among these systems, improving overall operational efficiency.
  12. Transparency and Accountability:SMB Technologies is a reputable outsourcing partner that offers transparency through reporting and accountability mechanisms. This reporting is essential for associations that need to demonstrate responsible resource allocation to their members and stakeholders.
  13. Flexibility for Remote Work:Associations often have remote teams or members who require access to IT resources. Outsourcing ITcan provide the necessary infrastructure and support for effective remote collaboration.
  14. Predictable Budgeting:Outsourcing IT typically involves predictable monthly or annual fees, simplifying budget planning and financial management for your association.

SMB Technologies is an IT outsourcing firm that can help manage your association's IT while you focus on your core competencies.

When considering IT outsourcing, it’s important to evaluate potential IT providers based on their experience working with associations and their ability to align with your organization’s specific needs and objectives.

SMB Technologies is already managing the IT for several associations of various sizes so we have experience with the IT issues you may be encountering in your associations.

We can help your association maximize the benefits of outsourcing IT while supporting your association’s growth and success. Simplifying nonprofits’ technology to achieve their unique goals is our priority.

Set up a chat here SMB Technologies today or call 503-895-9793 to speak to an IT expert about your association’s IT needs.


What Every Business Owner Must Know About Hiring An Honest, Competent, Responsive And Fairly Priced I.T. Services Firm

Our Services

Managed IT Services

You can rest easy when you put your IT support needs in our hands. Never worry about extensive downtime again with our 24/7 monitoring services.

Co-Managed IT Services

With Co-Managed IT Services, we don't replace your IT Staff… We make them better!

Cybersecurity Services

Our goal is to provide you with the best network security protection possible, while also keeping your unique needs and budget in mind.

Cloud Services

Cloud services give you the power to collaborate using the Internet and intranet in your office to make doing business more efficient.

3 Big Reasons to Choose SMB Technologies to Support Your Computer Network


Complete Solution. We provide a ‘total technology solution’. We can deliver everything related to technology on any Operating System so you have to make only one phone call for all of your technology needs. From data cabling, hardware/software procurement, helpdesk support, to cloud solutions, phone systems, audio systems, video systems, alarm systems, access control systems, Internet service and Network design and management.


No Geek-Speak. You deserve to get answers to your questions in PLAIN ENGLISH, not in confusing technical terms. Our technicians will also not talk down to you or make you feel stupid because you don’t understand how all this “technology” works. That’s our job!


Peace of Mind. Because we monitor all of our clients’ networks 24/7/365, you never have to worry that a virus has spread, a hacker has broken in or a backup has failed to perform. We watch over your entire network, taking the management and hassle of maintaining it off your hands. This frees you to focus on your customers and running your business, not on your IT systems, security and backups.

See what other business owners are saying about us…

SMB delivers tremendous value through high quality services and a great value per dollar spent.

End to end solution thinking on how we have our information communication and security configured. Prior firms focused on hardware solutions and troubleshooting those. SMB Technologies covers us on hardware through software solutions that fit our budget. SMB delivers value through high quality services and value per dollar spent.

John Lambie John Lambie Senior Groundwater Hydrologist

SMB technical representatives have always explained IT topics in a language that I can understand.

We are a small business without an in-depth knowledge of IT. SMB technologies have filled that gap for us – setting us up with remote access server capabilities and VPN security protection. SMB technical representatives have always explained IT topics in a language that I can understand. This has not been the case with other IT firms we’ve worked with in the past. Definitely give SMB a try. They have set up and maintained our IT system for the past 5-6 years with no issues at all.

Andy Kubwater Andy Kubwater Owner
KubWater Resources, Inc

I feel protected with SMB watching my back.

I have been using SMB Technologies for several years now for all my IT needs. They are quick to answer requests and very knowledgeable about networking and security. I feel protected with SMB watching my back. I fully endorse SMB for all your IT needs. You won’t regret it!

Dr. Kevin Speers Dr. Kevin Speers Owner
Oak Grove Dental

About SMB Technologies

SMB Technologies was founded by Ron Rothstein in 2009. We didn’t know who we were or why we existed for a long time. I mean, there has to be more to life than fixing computers, right?

After many years of trial and error, as well as personal and professional growth, we finally figured out why we do what we do.


    What Every Business Owner Must Know About Hiring An Honest, Competent, Responsive And Fairly Priced I.T. Services Firm

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