
New “MailSploit” Allows Email Spoofing

Phishing attacks just got a whole lot easier. A German security researcher named Sabri Haddouche has recently discovered a set of email vulnerabilities that have been collectively dubbed "Mailsploit."  At the root, ...

Former Employees Pose Serious Risk To Security

The Department of Health and Human Services' Office for Civil Rights (OCR) has reminded those who deal with PHI and PII of the dangers that terminated employees can pose to system security ...

Report Shows Small Percentage Of Employees Know About Ransomware

The statistics are alarming. Ransomware is fast becoming the favored hobby horse of hackers worldwide. Barely a week goes by that a new strain isn't introduced into the wild, with expensive, and ...

Top Subject People Fall Victim To Is – Data Breach Notification

For hackers around the world, success breeds more success, it seems. A company called KnowBe4 has released a report entitled "Top Ten Global Phishing Email Subject Lines For Q3 2017." To prepare ...

Attack Finds Employee Personal Account Use, Password Security To Blame

Even cybersecurity companies struggle with data security. Case in point: FireEye, a well-known and well-respected player in the industry, has had this struggle. Recently, they fell victim to a successful hacking attack ...

New Survey Shows Alarming Trends In Cybersecurity For Businesses

A new survey released by Guidance Software reveals some disturbing trends about the state of cyber security. The survey asked 330 IT and digital security professionals questions about cyber-attacks and their impact ...

A Third Of Former Employees Take Company Information With Them

How safe is your company’s data? According to a new survey released by tech giant Dell, it is not very safe. The statistics revealed by the survey are dismaying. Be sure you ...

You Should Be Concerned Over Employees Sharing Private Company Information

Dell has recently released the findings from their End-User Security Survey, and the results will probably keep you up late at night with worry. Their key finding was that an overwhelming percentage ...

Watch Out For Invoice Emails That Include Encrypted Docs

Hackers have once again pushed the envelope. They’ve again come up with a new way to infect target computers and get around whatever detection software is in place. The latest twist is ...

Network Password Security May Be Getting Overlooked

Today’s corporate networks look so different from the networks of yesteryear that they’re almost not even comparable any more. In olden times, when the personal computer was a relatively new invention and ...


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