During This Economic Crisis,
Maybe It’s Time You Took A

Closer Look

At What You’re REALLY Getting For The Money
You’re Spending On IT Services And Support


The Average Monthly IT Costs For One Client
BEFORE Working With SMB Technologies

(Way Too Much)


The Average Monthly IT Costs For This Client
AFTER Switching To SMB Technologies

($2522.10 Saved)

“We decided to outsource our IT completely to SMB Technologies, which saved us an incredible 33% annually on IT costs. Best of all, the support has been faster and far superior to what we were getting from our own in-house IT. They are patient and really care not only fixing problems but heading them off in the first place. SMB doesn’t ever lead us “down the garden path” promising what they cannot deliver and always delivering what they promise. In fact, we recently had one of their techs responding to an IT failure 15 minutes after it happened…in the middle of the night!”

Rupert Ayton - VP Finance & Operations - Native Arts & Cultures Foundation 501(c) (3)

From the Desk of: Ron Rothstein
President/ Founder, SMB Technologies

Dear Colleague,

As the saying goes, ‘You get what you pay for’, which is meant as a warning that things that are “cheaper” aren’t always the bargain they seem to be – and there’s definitely truth in it. As a verified member of The Non-Profit Association of Oregon SMB Technologies has been intimately involved with

many Non-Profits and Associations throughout Oregon for the last 13 years. We understand the budget considerations that have that go into our recommendations and proposals for organizations like yours.

But there’s another saying: “A fool and his money are soon parted”, which means a person who is not wise about their money will quickly have it taken from them, and one of the areas where we see many Directors of non-profits overspend (or not get value for money) is IT, which is why I’m writing you today.

My name is Ron Rothstein, President & Founder of SMB Technologies. For the last 13 years, we’ve specialized in providing top-level, affordable IT services and support to Non-Profits and Associations like yours. In fact, as a verified members of the Non-profit Association of Oregon we have a lot of experience specifically in your industry. This year more than ever spending each budget dollar to get the most value is extremely important. Wouldn’t you agree?

Maybe you’ve heard about us from our education days with the NAO or read my book What you should expect to pay for IT. You can download it for FREE on our website at www.smbtechnologies.com.

We advise over 100 clients, including large ones such as the Charter School Capital a leading non-profit financial resource for Charter Schools around the United States. We have been brilliant at delivering IT services that lower costs without sacrificing quality, security or staying compliant.

I’m So Confident I Can Cut Your IT Costs
While Delivering BETTER Service That I Guarantee It

Because I’m so familiar with how Non-Profits and Associations operate and confident that we can cut your IT costs, I’m willing to make you the following good-natured bet:

If I am unable to satisfactorily demonstrate to you a way to add 33% back to your bottom line through lower IT costs, improved efficiencies, better workflow, and higher productivity, then I’ll donate $300.00 to the charity of your choice. It’s that simple.

Why would I do this? Two reasons.

First, I know your time is extremely valuable and you don’t have time to mess around with companies that don’t have anything of value to offer. Because I’m putting my money on the line, you can see how serious I am about not wasting your time.

Second, with the economic crisis caused by COVID-19, it’s more critical than ever to watch every penny. I’ve spent the last 13 years perfecting our ability to truly non-profit groups and deliver IT support that is high quality at a truly reasonable price – and we’re really good at it. That’s why I simply want the opportunity to prove ourselves.

Curious? Let’s Schedule A Call to Discuss

The next step is simple: call my office at 503-895-9793 and reference this letter to schedule a brief 10- to 15-minute initial consultation. My personal assistant has been notified to look for your call and will put you through immediately. You may also send me an e-mail to rrothstein@smbtechnologies.com. You can even go to our website at www.smbtechnologies.com and get on my calendar. Just click the “schedule an appointment” button and choose a day and time convenient to you.

On this call we can discuss your current situation, any concerns you have and, of course, answer any questions you have about us. If you feel comfortable moving ahead, we’ll schedule a convenient time to conduct our FREE proprietary 21-Point IT Network Risk Assessment.

This Risk Assessment can be carried out with or without your current IT company or department knowing (we can give you the full details on our initial consultation call). At the end of the Network Risk Assessment, you’ll know:

  • Where you are overpaying (or getting underserved) for the services and support you are currently getting from your current IT company or team.
  • Whether or not your systems and data are truly secured from hackers and ransomware, and where you are partially or totally exposed.
  • If your data is actually being backed up in a manner that would allow you to recover it quickly in the event of an emergency or ransomware attack.
  • Where you are unknowingly violating data breach or compliance regulations specific to your’ industry.
  • How you could lower the overall costs of IT while improving communication, security, and performance, as well as the productivity of your employees.

Fresh eyes see things that others cannot – so, at a minimum, our free Network Risk Assessment is a completely cost- and risk-free way to get a credible third-party validation of the security, stability, and efficiency of your IT systems.

At The End Of This Assessment,
One Of 3 Things Will Happen:

Option 1 is that you’ll love the plan we provide (and may be shocked at what we uncover) but may decide to implement it on your own. If that’s the case, we wish you the best of luck and hope you’ll keep us in mind for future projects.

Option 2 is that you’ll love the plan and will want our help in implementing it. If that’s the case, we’ll do a top-notch job for you…and that’s a promise.

Or finally, in the unlikely and unprecedented event that you feel like you wasted your time and we have NOT demonstrated, to your satisfaction, how to lower your IT costs and dramatically improve your situation, we will send a check for $300.00 to your charity of choice, no questions asked.

Think about it: the ‘worst’ that can happen is you get $300.00 sent to your favorite charity for having an independent, credible third party validate the security, efficiency, and stability of your IT systems, potentially saving you thousands of dollars that will instantly improve your bottom line.

To get started, please call, or e-mail me to schedule a quick initial phone consultation to answer your questions and see if you’d like to proceed. I will have my assistant Kaylee ring you in a couple of days to ensure you’ve received this letter and to discuss how (if?) you’d like to proceed.

Awaiting your response,

Ron Rothstein, President/ Founder
SMB Technologies, Inc.
Phone: 503-895-9793
E-mail: rrothstein@smbtechnologies.com