When it comes to Network security and compliance (such as Network Security in Portland and Salem, and Cybersecurity Services in Portland), it is easy for small to medium-sized businesses "Not "e." They are only after the big guys" The reality is that attacks on all networks have been increasing year after year as hackers have become more sophisticated. Small businesses are being affected every day by relaxed or non-existent security policies.

The Federal & State Governments around the country are requiring more and more that businesses of any size meet minimum cyber security requirements. In fact, it has become an absolute necessity for businesses to have Cyber Liability Insurance.

A 2023 study by Gartner, the world's premier IT metrics organizer, showed that one in five small business networks would be compromised. With the ever-increasing technological advances, these numbers will likely keep climbing, which could mean a significant risk for a potential breach, lost or stolen data, or some malicious threat. This underscores the critical need for small business cybersecurity in Portland.

There are several ways SMB Technologies helps to ensure that your business is at minimum risk:

  • Updates – Keeping computers and network equipment updated is one of the most effective steps to preventing a possible network security issue.
  • Firewall – A common mistake in small to medium business networks is the lack of a business-grade firewall solution. Often, business owners are unaware of the difference between having a network router and having a network firewall (Firewall Monitoring and reporting) in place.
  • Passwords – Password and password protection are proving to be an area that needs attention when discussing network security. Using sophisticated software and tools, hackers are easily gaining access to small business networks through simple or default passwords.
  • Antivirus/Antispam – Most people know that antivirus and antispam software are necessary components of network security, but many people don’t realize why it’s so important until their computer or network is infected with a virus, malware, spyware, or a host of other potentially dangerous issues.
  • Email/Spam Filtering – Filters all email for nefarious emails and possible “Bad Actor” stuff.
  • Patch Management is the process of getting software changes out to users and installing them.
  • MFA stands for "Multi-Factor Authentication." With multi-factor authentication, a person can only access a website or app after successfully showing two or more pieces of identification to a system that checks authentication.
  • DNS Filter— DNS filtering is the process of blocking access to certain websites for a reason, most of the time based on their content. If a site or group of sites is seen as dangerous, its IP address is banned by a DNS filter (Cybersecurity Service Provider), and users can't get to it.Disaster Recovery Policies and Procedures: Disaster Recovery is a set of rules, tools, and steps that make it possible to restore or keep using important technology systems and infrastructure after a natural or man-made tragedy (Data Backup and Recovery Service).
  • Phishing Tests and Training for Employees—Constant testing with fake phishing emails and weekly training for employees on how to scam emails.
  • Dark Web Scans – Monitors your information on the Dark Web.

Do you need to be PCI, HIPPA, NIST, ISO or CMCC compliant give us a call today! No matter the size of your business, network security is a definite requirement for every business in the digital age. If you are worried or unsure of where to start SMB can help with an internal security audit, our team can help get you on track.